Status Report on Studies and Research to Address "Guidelines for Evaporation Estimates Required by Prairie Provinces Water Board".
May 2003
Evaluation of Lake Evaporation in the North Saskatchewan River Basin.
December 2014
Precipitation and Streamflow in the Mountain and Foothill Region of the Saskatchewan River Basin.
January 1957
The Use of Hydrometeorological Information for Flood Forecasts on the Prairies.
December 1961
Water Board Requirements for Meteorological Data and Services.
October 1964
PPWB Design Wind Program: User's Manual.
February 1992
Evaporation from Lakes and Reservoirs on the Canadian Prairies - A Study Based on Thirty Years of Meteorological Records, 1921-1950.
December 1952
Estimation of the Influence of Elevation on Evaporation in Southeast Alberta and Southwest Saskatchewan.
May 2003