Jurisdictional Links
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Environment and Climate Change Canada is a federal member agency and their representative chairs the Prairie Provinces Water Board. Environment and Climate Change Canada's mandate is to: preserve and enhance the quality of the natural environment, including water, air, soil, flora and fauna; conserve Canada's renewable resources. conserve and protect Canada's water resources; forecast weather and environmental change; enforce rules relating to boundary waters; and coordinate environmental policies and programs for the federal government.
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
The Agri-Environment Service Branch represents the federal Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada department on the Prairie Provinces Water Board. The branch was recently formed by merging the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration, Agri-environmental Policy group, and the National Land and Water Information Service program. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada provides information, research and technology, and policies and programs to achieve security of the food system, health of the environment and innovation for growth.
Alberta Environment and Protected Areas
Alberta Environment and Protected Areas is a member agency of the Prairie Provinces Water Board. Alberta Environment and Protected Areas is a partner in protecting and enhancing Alberta's natural environment, to ensure the continued enjoyment of a clean and healthy environment by all. The department has staff in more than 120 communities throughout Alberta.
Water Security Agency (Saskatchewan)
The Water Security Agency is the Saskatchewan member of the Prairie Provinces Water Board. The Water Security Agency leads management of the province's water resources to ensure safe drinking water sources and reliable water supplies for economic, environmental and social benefits for Saskatchewan people.
Manitoba Environment and Climate
Manitoba Environmentand Climate has the PPWB Board Member and Alternate Board Member and many of the PPWB Committee Members for Manitoba. Environment and Climate's role and mission is to sustainably manage and protect the province's environment and rich biodiversity of natural resources such as water, wildlife and forests by working cooperatively with the public, Indigenous communities, and other agencies, governments and stakeholders to strike a balance between protecting the integrity of the environment and meeting the social and economic needs of Manitobans.
Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure
The Manitoba Tranportation and Infrastructure has committee members on the Committee on Flow Forecasting. The Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure is responsible for the development of transportation policy and legislation, and for the management of the province’s vast infrastructure network. To meet these responsibilities, the department delivers a wide range of programs and services that play a critical role in sustaining the contributions of the transportation sector to Manitoba’s economic growth. As part of this mandate, the department manages the province's water infrastructure.