Terms and Conditions
The use of information from this website must follow these Terms and Conditions.
The data and reports presented were prepared to meet the needs of the Prairie Provinces Water Board (PPWB) in monitoring water passed from one province to another. Please note that the methods used to determine apportionable flows and water quality have certain assumptions and limitations. Methodologies in monitoring and computation of data and information have also changed over the history of the PPWB. The user is cautioned in taking the data out of context and using the data for other purposes. Please Contact Us for clarification.
The PPWB does not accept liability and warrant the quality, accuracy, or completeness of any information, data or product from these web pages. It is provided 'AS IS' without warranty or condition of any nature. The PPWB disclaims all other warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the information, data, product or accompanying materials retrieved from this web site. In no event will the PPWB or its employees, servants or agents have any obligation to the user for any reason including claims arising from contract or tort, or for loss of revenue or profit, or for indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of this information.
Information presented on this web site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. An appropriate byline acknowledging Prairie Provinces Water Board is required. No agency or individual can bundle the raw information and resell the raw information.
Promote public awareness of the need for and benefits of interprovincial water management and the PPWB's mandate.