Quantifying Non-Point and Point Sources in the Carrot and Red Deer Watersheds.
November 2019
Quantifying Non-Point and Point Nutrient Sources in the Carrot and Red Deer Watersheds.
November 2019
Quantifying Non-Point and Point Nutrient Sources in the Carrot and Red Deer Watersheds.
November 2019
Quantifying Non-Point and Point Nutrient Sources in the Carrot and Red Deer Watersheds.
November 2019
Quantifying Non-Point and Point Nutrient Sources in the Carrot and Red Deer Watersheds.
November 2019
Quantifying Non-Point and Point Nutrient Sources in the Carrot and Red Deer Watersheds.
November 2019
Long-Term Trends in Water Quality Parameters at Twelve Transboundary River Reaches.
December 2016
The Impact of the Proposed Cold Lake Oil Sands Project on the Water Quality of the Beaver River at the Alberta-Saskatchewan Boundary.
October 1979
Estimation of Time Series Sample Sizes and Sampling Frequencies for the Long-Term Water Quality Monitoring Network on the North Saskatchewan River in Alberta.
October 1995
Multi-Media Monitoring of Trace Metals and Pesticides in the Battle River 1989-1990.
April 1994
Effects of Storm and Combined Sewer Discharges in the City of Edmonton on Water Quality in the North Saskatchewan River.
April 1994.
Effects of Wastewater Effluent Discharges on the Water Quality of the Beaver River.
September 1994
Bacterial Surveys in the Red Deer River (1996-1998).
February 1999
Spacial and Temporal Patterns in Nutrients and Algal Abundance in Alberta Rivers.
November 1999
Quantifying Non-Point and Point Nutrient Sources in the Carrot and Red Deer Watersheds.
(Excludes maps in Appendix C)
November 2019
Review of the Pesticide Regulations, Monitoring Programs and Concentrations of Acid Herbicides in Transboundary Prairie Rivers.
November 2021
Review of the 1992 Interprovincial Water Quality Objectives and Recommendations for Change - Appendices 11 & 12.
November 2015
Long-Term Trends in Water Quality Parameters at Twelve Transboundary River Reaches (from the beginning of data record until the end of 2013).
March 2018
Prairie Water Quality Workshop with a Focus on Nutrients.
February 2017
Response to the 2011 Pesticide Excursions in Transboundary Rivers in the Prairie Provinces of Canada.
February 2016
Review of the 1992 Interprovincial Water Quality Objectives and Recommendations for Change.
November 2016
Addendum to the Review of the 1992 Interprovincial Water Quality Objectives and Recommendations for Change.
November 2019
An Analysis of Non-Compliance Patterns to the Prairie Provinces Water Board Objectives in the Red Deer River at the Alberta/Saskatchewan Boundary.
March 2020
Biomonitoring at Prairie Provinces Water Board Stations, Historic (1993-2004) and Future Options
November 2019
Long-Term Trends in Water Quality Parameters at Twelve Transboundary River Reaches (from the beginning of data record until the end of 2013).
March 2018
Interprovincial Water Quality Monitoring Site Descriptions
April 2024