Schedule C
(The following text reflects 1992 and 1999 amendments)
Prairie Provinces Water Board Agreement
THIS AGREEMENT is made in quadruplicate this THIRTIETH day of OCTOBER, 1969, A.D.
THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA, (hereinafter called "Canada")
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THE GOVERNMENT OF MANITOBA, (hereinafter called "Manitoba")
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THE GOVERNMENT OF SASKATCHEWAN, (hereinafter called "Saskatchewan")
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THE GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA, (hereinafter called "Alberta")
1. Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and Canada agree to establish and there is hereby established a Board to be known as the Prairie Provinces Water Board to consist of five members to be appointed as follows:
(a) two members to be appointed by the Governor General in Council, one of whom shall be Chairman of the Board, on the recommendation of the Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources,
(b) one member to be appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council of each of the Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
2. Functions
The Board shall oversee and report on the Master Agreement (including the First and Second Agreements thereunder) executed by Canada, Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan for the apportionment of waters flowing from one province into another province; shall take under consideration, comprehensive planning, water quality management including the mandate in respect of interprovincial management of water quality described in paragraph 2 of Schedule "E" and other questions pertaining to water resource management referred to it by the parties hereto; shall recommend appropriate action to investigate such matters and shall submit recommendations for their resolution to the parties hereto.
3. Composition of Board
The members of the Board shall be chosen from those engaged in the administration of water resources or related duties for Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta or Canada, as the case may be, and shall serve as members of the Board in addition to their other duties.
4. Duties of the Board
In accordance with its functions, the duties of the Board shall be as follows:
(a) to review, collate, and analyze streamflow data and prepare reports and recommendations on the apportionment of water,
(b) to review water quality problems, particularly such problems located at the interprovincial boundaries, and to recommend to the parties hereto, appropriate management approaches for their resolution including the establishment of new institutional arrangements,
(c) to develop recommendations on other water matters, in addition to problems on water quality, referred to the Board by any party hereto including the review and analysis of existing information and the requesting of additional studies and assistance by appropriate governmental agencies to provide information for formulating its recommendations,
(d) to promote through consultation and the exchange of information the integrated development of water resources of interprovincial streams,
(e) to cause to be prepared with the consent of the parties involved factual reports on disputes arising out of the water apportionment for consideration by the parties hereto,
(f) to ensure the co-ordination of such technical programs as water quantity and quality monitoring and streamflow forecasting required for the effective apportionment of water,
(g) to comply with the list of duties described in paragraph 8 of Schedule E concerning its water quality mandate.
5. Confirmation of the Board's Recommendations
A recommendation of the Board with respect to any matters referred to it under Section 2 shall, subject to the Master Agreement for the apportionment of water, become effective when adopted by Orders-in-Council passed by Canada and each of the Provinces.
6. Authority of Board
The Board shall have authority to correspond with all Governmental organizations and other sources of information in Canada or abroad concerned with the administration of water resources, and such other authority as may be conferred on the Board from time to time by agreement between the parties hereto; all agencies of the four governments having to do with the water and associated resources in the area covered by the Agreement shall be required to supply the Board with all data in their possession requested by the Board.
7. Records
The records relating to the water resources of the three provinces collected and compiled by the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration organization at Regina shall be made available to the Board.
8. Meetings of the Board
The Board shall meet at the call of the Chairman and meetings shall be called at least twice annually; the expenses of the members shall be borne by their respective governments.
9. Reports
The Board shall submit an annual progress report outlining work done and work contemplated in the agreed program to each of the responsible Ministers of the parties hereto and such other reports as may be requested by any one of such Ministers.
10. Operation of the Board
The Executive Director for the Board and such other technical and clerical staff as may be required, shall be Federal or Provincial public servants with office headquarters located in a city within one of the prairie provinces as designated from time to time by the Board. The cost of administration, excluding the cost of monitoring as described in Section 7 of the Master Agreement, but including staff, accommodation, supplies and incidental expenses of the Board, shall be borne by the parties hereto on the basis of one-half by Canada and one-sixth by each of the Provinces. The Board shall prepare, for the approval of the parties hereto, work program, staff requirements, annual budgets and 5 year forecasts and such other reports as may be required for the operation of the Board.
11. Any water development project already constructed or to be constructed by any one of the parties shall be so operated as to maintain the apportionment of water as set out in the Master Agreement (and the First and Second Agreements thereunder) for the apportionment of waters of interprovincial streams.
Sections 2 and 4(g) amended April 2, 1992
Section 10 amended on October 1, 1999
The MAA was signed in 1969 by Canada and the governments of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba in recognition of the need to cooperatively share and manage interprovincial waters for the benefit of present and future generations.