Who We Are
The Governments of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Canada are signatory parties of the Prairie Provinces Water Board (PPWB). The Government of Canada has representatives from Environment and Climate Change Canada and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Provincial governments are represented by Alberta Environment and Protected Areas, (Saskatchewan) Water Security Agency, Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure, and Manitoba Environment and Climate. Each of the governments has one regular representative on the Board and each of the four permanent Committees (Committee on Hydrology, Committee on Groundwater, Committee on Water Quality, Committee on Flow Forecasting). If the Regular Member cannot attend, then the Alternate Member will represent the government on the Board or Committee. In addition, the Committee on Hydrology and the Committee on Flow Forecasting has two regular and two alternate members from Environment and Climate Change Canada to represent both hydrometric and meteorological monitoring that is conducted by the department for the PPWB.

Board members are senior officials engaged in the administration of water resources in each provincial or federal department.
The PPWB has four permanent Standing Committees (Committee on Hydrology, Committee on Water Quality, Committee on Groundwater), and Committee on Flow Forecasting) that conduct technical work, such as data analysis and provide advice to the Board. From time to time, the Board will form Ad Hoc Committees or hire consultants/contractors to investigate or report on other issues.
The Secretariat provides technical and administrative support to the Board and Committees.
The MAA was signed in 1969 by Canada and the governments of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba in recognition of the need to cooperatively share and manage interprovincial waters for the benefit of present and future generations.